Rules and Rants

Rules of Golf: Fixed distances

When you drop in relief areas defined by one or two club-lengths, in the 2019 Rules, a club-length will always mean the length of the longest club in your bag, except your putter.

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Rules and Rants

Rules of golf: Identifying your ball

After each stroke you make on a hole, you are supposed to find and play that same ball. Most of the time, it is possible to identify your ball without lifting it. But occasionally you need to lift it to do so.

Click here to learn more about the Modernized Rules of golf.

Rules and Rants

Rules of Golf: Substituting damaged ball

If you have reason to believe your ball has been damaged during play of a hole, you are allowed to mark the spot of the ball and then lift it without cleaning it, unless your ball is except on the putting green.

Click here to learn more about the modernized Rules of golf.

Rules and Rants

Rules of Golf: Replacing a ball

During a round, if your ball is moved or lifted by someone else, it must be replaced either by you or that person.

Click here to learn more about the Modernized Rules of Golf.

Rules and Rants

Rules of Golf: Embedded ball

Click here to learn more about the modernized Rules of golf.

Rules and Rants

Rules of Golf: Ball moved during search

If you accidentally move your ball while searching for it, there is no penalty.

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Rules and Rants

Rules of Golf: Use reasonable judgement

There are many times when the Rules require a player to estimate or measure a spot, point, line, area or other location.

Click here to learn more on the Rules of golf.

Rules and Rants

Ball in motion accidentally deflected

There will be no penalty, unless the ball in motion hits another ball at rest and both ball were lying on the putting green.

The ball will most often be played as it lies, except if the ball comes to rest on any person, animal or moving outside influence; or if the ball was played from the putting green and hits any one of those objects.

Click here to learn more about the Modernized Rules of golf.

Rules and Rants

Replacing damaged golf clubs

During a round, you are limited to no more than 14 clubs and generally must not replace damaged or lost clubs.

Click here to learn more about the Modernized Rules of golf.

Replacing Damaged Clubs
Rules and Rants

Pushing the pace of play

The Rules encourage prompt pace of play by all players as it has a huge impact on your group and everyone on the course.

Rules of Golf - Pace of Play

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