With all golf courses across Canada permitted to open, golfers are encouraged to post their scores when they tee it up this season.
Posting your scores is important to maintain a consistent Handicap Index as part of the unified World Handicap System.
As a safety measure under COVID-19 protocols, golfers are not permitted to use kiosks found at local clubs or pro shops until further notice to reduce social touch points.
Login at golfcanada.ca
- Visit golfcanada.ca
- Click “Post a Score”
- Login using your member credentials
- If you have forgotten your password, follow the prompts or click here
- If you have forgotten your password, follow the prompts or click here
Post your score
- Choose the golf course
- Enter all applicable information
- Members are encouraged to post scores hole-by-hole in order to ensure the correct adjustment of Net Double Bogey (your maximum hole score for handicap purposes)

Post using the Golf Canada mobile app
- Open the mobile app on your Apple or Android device
- Tap the Post a Score button
- Choose the golf course
- Members are encouraged to enter hole-by-hole scores
- Post your score

How do I track my stats?
- Members can enter their statistics for each game by selecting which stats they wish to maintain such as Fairways in Regulation (FIR), Putts, Penalty Strokes, Driving Distance etc.
- Post their score Hole-By-Hole and select “Yes” in the “Track Stats” bar.
- Enter in the statistical fields they wish to track and click “Post Score.”

How do I delete or edit a score?
Members can edit their scores at any time but can only delete an unedited score within 24 hours from the time the score was posted. After 24 hours or if an edit has been made, only the club administrator can delete a score. Scores that are edited will be denoted by a “#” beside the score in the scoring record.
- Click on the “Pencil” icon to the right of the appropriate score.
- Make the adjustment(s) to the score and click “Post Score.”
- There may be some clubs that have changed their default setting (which may not allow golfers to edit or delete at all).

What if the course I played isn’t found in the directory?
If the club a golfer is looking for is not listed, please notify Golf Canada at members@golfcanada.ca or 1.800.263.0009 x4520. All member courses in Canada will appear in the course directory. Please note that courses that are not current members in Canada do not have valid course and slope ratings and scores from these courses cannot be entered for handicap purposes.