
Ontario golf courses can begin preparations to open

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Cutten Fields (Facebook)

TORONTO ― The Ontario government has announced it is allowing certain businesses and workplaces to reopen as long as they comply with strict public health measures and operate safely during the COVID-19 outbreak.

As part of the announcement which took place this afternoon, Ontario golf courses were granted the ability to  prepare their courses for the upcoming season, but not open to the public. The resolution takes effect Monday, May 4 at 12:01 a.m. EDT.

Prior to the announcement, golf facilities could complete essential work that allowed them to preserve  their courses, such as mowing and brush clearing. As pointed out in this article by TSN’s Bob Weeks, additional work such as bunker preparation, gardening, stump removal, hiring of seasonal staff and more, will now be permitted.

There is no specific timeline set for Ontario courses to open their doors for play.

On April 27, the government released A Framework for Reopening the Province, which outlines the criteria Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health and health experts are using to advise the government on the loosening of emergency measures, as well as guiding principles for the safe, gradual reopening of businesses, services and public spaces.