Hole in One Report

Golf Canada Hole-In-One Report – Week of June 10, 2024

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Each week we write to Golf Canada members who record a hole-in-one, congratulating them and asking if they’d tell us how it happened. These are their stories (edited for length and clarity).

Have you recently accomplished the feat of a hole-in-one? Tell us about it! Share your story, picture / video and course information with us at holeinone@golfcanada.ca.

John Fullerton, Seymour Golf & Country Club, Hole #11


I was with Graham Schultz, Rob Busch and Rich Busch.
The hole was 141 yards from the blue tees, playing 137 yards adjusted according to my Bushnell x3 scope. I used a Ping g430 9 iron. It was a great memory for sure.

Ryan MacKinnon, West Hills Golf Course, Hole #5


I was playing with my buddies Jason Pictou and Steven Triska, I had 126 yards and I hit my 54 degree to about six feet and it rolled down the slope and in the hole.

Jeannie Wang, Herron Point Golf Links, Hole #11


It was amazing for me, and I was very excited about my first ever hole-in-one in my six years of playing golf. It happened on May 11th, Saturday afternoon at 2:40 pm, on hole #11. The pin was in the low area of a small valley on the green. I was playing with Jeff Gao, who is also a ClubLink member. I used my Titleist Hybrid 22-degree club and hit the ball about 110 yards solid and high. It was a rainy and windy day, and I wasn’t playing particularly well, but that was the most exciting moment and a phenomenal memory for me.

Howard Foote, Berwick Heights, Hole #11

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May 20, 2024 on hole #11 at Berwick Heights Golf Course (Weston Nova Scotia). Playing from the white tees 160 yards pin was front left. Hit my Callaway RAZR X 8 iron and a Srixon Marathon. The ball had a check bounce of about eight inches the a one foot roll in. Best part is it was my first ever hole-in-one and I had the pleasure of my adult son Ryan (who nearly got a hole in one five holes later), and two fellow members were there to share in the excitement. Here is hoping for more to follow.

Derek Johnson, Mystic Golf Club, Hole #15

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Starting golfing 15 or so years ago. Down to a single digit handicap now. First hole-in-one. Mystic Golf Club, hole #15, 148 yards pitching wedge.

Sharon Greenwood, Lookout Point Golf Club, Hole #2

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I was fortunate to have a hole-in-one on hole #2 on May 8, 2024. I started playing Callaway SuperSoft balls and the previous day my friend found a green one is the woods so I decided to play it. I hit a 6 iron 128 yards at the front of the green and one hope it went in the hole but not witnessed by me as I could not see that colour that far away. My playing partners (men) were screaming it went in and one of them ran down the fairway to be sure. I was more excited to see their reaction and enjoy the excitement with them. My smooth score of 80 for the round just proved to me I could hold myself together. Our club gives us a flag and my playing partners all signed it. Hole-in-one number three for me.

Luke Richardson, Glendale Golf & Country Club, Hole #4

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I was playing with Troy, Derek and Jameson on a beautiful Sunday evening. The hole was 171 yards and I used a 7 iron. After hitting it I mentioned that it will be short, the guys laughed and said it will be perfect! We watched it land and run to left towards the hole, seemed like forever but it ran across and dropped in the hole! Thanks Troy, Derek and Jameson for the round and the memory!

Helen MacRae, Braestone Club, Hole #4

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Hole #4, Helen MacRae celebrates her ace. Accompanied by Don McIntyre, Jane Laing and Antoinette Stroud.

Don Taylor, University Golf Club, Hole #7

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Hole #7 at University Golf Club in Vancouver, BC. On June 11, 2024 at a Remax Tournament. Witnessed by Bob Cook, Todd Jackson and Richard Lowe. Other group on hole #8 was also looking at the outcome

Darren Peters, Pines of Georgina, Hole #18

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I finally made my first hole-in-one at age 58. I was playing with some buddies at the Pines of Georgina in Pefferlaw. The back was going much better than the front when we made it to the 161 yard hole #18. I hit a 5 iron and we thought we were watching it roll off the back. We got up there and broke out in cheers when we saw my ball in the cup. The group behind us knew immediately what had happened. We took pictures and celebrated with a couple of beers afterwards. The staff made a big deal of it. Everyone at the clubhouse was just as excited as I was. It was awesome to have some long time golfing buddies witness it. I’m going to go out and try again the next day.

Rattan Sagu, Meadowbrook, Hole #3

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I was playing with Peter May Gerry Freed and Ron Mackelvie. 118 yards into the heavy wind and I hit a 6 iron.

Rene Pitre, West Hills Golf Course, Hole #17

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Hole #17, 171 yards, pin was back left. Jack Pike and Alex Farrel. Used a 6 iron Taylormade Stealth.

Trevor Low, Bond Head Golf Club, Hole #16

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My playing partners for the day were Brett Way and Danny Kalfus. We were playing the gold tees that day and the hole was about 145 yards up hill with a right to left cross wind, I grabbed my 9 iron and hit it about as well as I’ll ever hit a golf ball and the rest was history! Funny enough Brett and I were just talking about how poorly we had been playing up until that point where I told him, “I just need to make a good swing here to get back on track.” Unfortunately, due to the hole design I didn’t watch it go in the hole from the tee, but we were elated to walk up to the green with my ball playing a disappearing act in the hole! Needless to say the celebrations would begin immediately after with some loud yelling and cheering that grabbed the attention of groups ahead and behind.

Quang Nguyen, Mystic Golf Club, Hole #11

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Hole #11, 173 yards slightly into the wind, 6 iron.

Craig Watkins, Orchard Ridge Country Club, Hole #6

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I made the ace while shooting 65 to qualify as the only amateur in this years US Senior Open to be held June 27 – 30 at Newport Country Club in Rhode Island. The Ace was a 5 iron from 195 yards. It was my best swing of the day and never left the flag. Despite being really hyped up I managed to steady myself and birdie the next two holes and finish at 6 under par 65.

Steve Thompson, Smugglers Glen, Hole #8

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Hole #8 at Smugglers Glen, 155 yards with an 8 iron on May 10, 2024.

Dillon Soares, Oshawa, Hole #18

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Was a special moment for sure! Unbeknownst to me, an old friend and colleague of my father recently joined our club (Oshawa Golf & Country Club), during a spring kick-off event where my father was a guest, we ran into each other at the turn. After some quick catching-up, we instantly scheduled a round a few weeks out. May 16th rolls around, we’re out on the course having a great time. Solid driver and hot flat stick left me with a -3 out, and sitting -4 thru 12 holes. Managed to keep it together through a really tough back-nine stretch (12, 13, 14, Oshawa’s Amen Corner) and had a good shot to beat my career best of 70, if I was to birdie 18. Playing 133 yards to a middle/front pin, I hit a pure 50 degree wedge with a slight draw. Took one hop, bit hard, and dropped for the ace and I carded a 68! What a feeling! Was a truly special moment to share it with my Dad, especially after we lost his father (my grandfather) earlier in the year. It was my second hole-in-one (September 2022 was the first), that happened to be with my older brother, that was also a 130 yard gap wedge! I guess I found my hole-in-one recipe? All around thankful that I got to experience that feeling and share it with family and friends. Truly, what makes golf special, are those unexpected moments and we will never forget that day. Also, shout out to my clubs hole-in-one insurance! The ladies in the club house bar knew what to do and snagged the best glass of red-wine we had on offer, a veteran move for sure!

Paul Donaldson, Vespra Hills Golf Club, Hole #14

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My wife, Alice Donaldson, and I were playing Vespra hills for the first time on May 20th, 2024. Vespra Hills had joined the ClubLink family of clubs earlier this year so we took the two hour drive from Acton to check it out. Vespra is a beautiful golf course and we look forward to playing it again. We were paired up with a very nice couple, Iris Pallas and Jim Strano who are local members at Vespra Hills. The hole-in-one was one hole #14. It was a front pin measuring 169 yards. I hit a 6 iron, two bounces and in the hole. This was my third lifetime hole-in-one, the other two were in 2008 at Glencairn Golf Club and in 2000 at Georgetown Golf Club. It was a 16 year wait since the last one. My wife has had seven hole-in-one’s so I’m still trying to catch up.

Phil Lafleche, Glencairn, Hole #7

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My second hole-in-one in 10 months. The morning of May 16th. It was on hole #7 Speyside at Glencairn. The hole was 150 yards from the tee box, we were facing a small breeze so I pulled out my new PXG 28 degree hybrid. The ball landed left of the pin and rolled down in. My teammates were Tim Black, Peter Cooke and Rick Ball. My first was on August 21st, 2023 on hole #3 Leithfield at Glencairn. 143 yards out, took my 7 iron, hit it on the slope left of hole and it rolled in. We didn’t quite see it go in but as we approached the green there wasn’t a ball to be seen. My pal Sten Hagevik ran to the hole and cheered. We were only a twosome that day. Now I’m working on a third.


Adam Donlan, Maple Ridge Golf Club, Hole #10

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Fortunately, I was playing with seven other guys (three in my group, four in front of us watching that hole beside the tee block). Mixture of both friends and family. It was 144 yards, playing 140 yards with a slight tail wind. I used a full swing 52 Kirkland lob wedge and watched it bounce once near the pin and that’s all we could see because of the slight downhill. One of the guys from the group in front shouted, but they’re my friends — so one, they would’ve shouted if it had just missed or two, there’s a chance they could be messing with me and pretending, haha. Nonetheless, once we drove up it was about two feet beyond the hole where it landed and back spun into the cup. My first and only hole-in-one. Been chasing that feeling ever since!

Sean Woodland, Saugeen Golf Club, Hole #5

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A group of 8 of us were staying at two cottages in South Hampton for the long weekend. We are part of a larger golf group called the Plaid Jacket (14 current members). We play match plays through the season and have a year-end tournament the weekend after labour day. This is our 29th year together. This was a warm up weekend to play the courses we will be playing in September this year. We played two rounds at Cobble Beach on the Thursday, Legacy Ridge on the Friday, South Hampton Golf Club on Sunday and Grey Silo on the Monday. It was a six round weekend for some of us. On the Saturday, a group of six of us tee’d it up at Saugeen Golf Club which had hosted our Plaid Jacket two years ago. They have a tournament during our time up there this year so we are playing Cobble Beach in September. We started our round on the Legacy 9 and were having a great time. I wasn’t playing especially well to start the back 9 on Sunrise but played the last five holes two under! Hole-in-one helped. I was the last to tee off in our group and took my 7 iron from 156 yards. It was tracking the entire way. We were yelling at it to get close. The ball landed 12 feet short of the green and rolled up to the pin and seemed to stop on the edge. I just stared at it while my buddy Murph looked away. When it dropped I started jumping up and down screaming as loud as I could. Murph came running over and I jumped into his arms. He’s the one pointing at me in one of the pictures. Dave was right behind him to congratulate me. Our other group was on the tee blocks of hole #6 and could see and hear us. They also came over to celebrate. It was so great to have some of the Plaid Jacket members there that day to witness it. Murph and I have been friends for 36 years and play a lot of golf together. Always competing of course! Everyone asks me how much the bar bill was, I got off pretty lucky, there were six of us and only about eight people in the clubhouse when we finished our round. To continue with the hole in one stories for our group. We have five in total at different outings over our almost 30 years. One of our other members had a hole-in-one last week on June 5th at Savannah hole #11, golfing with other Plaid Jacket members. Two of our guys got hole-in-one’s on the same day from the same cart a few years ago! I had the first of our group on a par 4 at Hunters Pointe in Welland about 17 years ago.

Ryley Blyth, Dakota Dunes Golf Links, Hole #11

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After 20 years of playing this frustrating game, I finally got my first hole-in-one. I was playing with really good friends of mine, Josh Czerniak, Darren Walls and Allan Blakley. It was a 147 yard pitching wedge. All of us got to see it go in which made it even better.

Tim Hollman, Olds Golf Club, Hole #4

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On this particular Wednesday, I was playing with Mark Schultz, Matt Hoeg, and Scott Hansen. The distance was 197 yards, with the wind into us. I clubbed up (due to wind and aeration) and hit a 5 iron on a rope, landing about eight feet short of the pin and bounced slightly left with a short second hop and then the ball disappeared. Scott was the most excited as it was his first hole-in-one he had ever witnessed. In the air half way to the hole he yelled for the ball to “get in the hole” which I thought it wasn’t going to, but a good kick and it dropped. This was my fourth hole-in-one. Mark was also playing with me for my first.


Les Kehler, Quarry Oaks, Hole #8

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The hole was 115 yards. Used a Titliest Pro VI. And club used PXG Gen5 gap wedge.

Todd Steeves, Mountain Woods Golf Club, Hole #9

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I was golfing with Scott Lewis (member at Mountain Woods). Hole #9 is 121 yards it was playing approximately 127 yards that day with a blue flag. I used a pitching wedge to get my hole-in-one.

Brian Welch, Windermere, Hole #11

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Hole #11, par 3 is the course’s signature hole, a downhill shot to a green surrounded by a sand trap left and pond to the right. The hole plays about 155 yards to the middle. The pin was up front on May 18th, so playing about 147 yards. I hit a 7 iron straight at the hole, one bounce and in. The shot was witnessed by my playing partners, David Doyle and David McDermott. It was also a good scoring day. I shot my age, 75.

Kurt Janssen, Mickelson National Golf Club, Hole #17

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I had my first ever (after 54 years) hole-in-one on hole #17 at our club on May 9th. It was a little windy that day and I figured it wasn’t going to make it into the wind. It had a good line but my eyes couldn’t tell where it landed, however my son (playing partner) said he saw it land and then couldn’t see it anymore so he figured it must have gone in. And he was correct. It was at Mickelson National Golf Club, 180 yards with a 5 iron.

Darlene Comeau, Lakeside Golf & Country Club, Hole #14

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I would like to share an exhilarating experience that took place on May 16, 2024 at Lakeside Golf & Country Club in Moncton, New Brunswick. It was a sunny yet windy day, creating a challenging but enjoyable environment for our round of golf. During our game, accompanied by three friends, I managed to achieve the unimaginable, a hole-in-one! The shot was on hole #14. At 125 yards, I took out my 8 iron, lined up my shot and struck the ball with confidence. Watching the ball soar though the air, it landed about 15 feet from the hole and rolled in. Unbelievable and unforgettable moment. I hope everyone who golfs get to experience this at least once in their lifetime.

Brian Dauphinee, Eden Golf Club, Hole #2

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Recorded hole-in-one on hole #2 at Eden Golf Club, paradise, Nova Scotia. Date of score was June 9th, 2024 playing with Ed Eby and Ken Theriault members at Eden, picture of card attested by the signature of Ed Eby.

Richard Ruo Heng, Fort Langley Golf Club, Hole #15

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Thank you for your letter and I am honored to receive the attention from you and the Golf Canada team. I am willing to share my joy in golf with you, because I want to be a person with stories in my golf journey. The hole-in-one happened at the CJGA tour event held at Fort Langley GC (May 11-12). In the second round, I competeted with Sky Sun and Emil Liddell. I used a #5 iron to score a hole-in-one at 184 yards on hole #15. This was my first hole-in-one in a golf tournament, and it was very memorable. 

Jared Jenkins, Crystal Ridge Golf Club, Hole #1

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Last night my fiancé and I made a last-minute decision to play a quick nine holes in Okotoks at Crystal Ridge Golf Club. The first hole is a narrow 375 yard par 4 and I finally hit one straight after playing the course a handful of times. The starter said, “holy smokes, I think that’s on the green!” He was so excited he drove up with us to see. We looked and looked but couldn’t find my ball anywhere! Finally, my fiancé looked, and it was in the hole! I was four under thru three holes and finished a horrendous five over par total (nine holes). Guess I used up all my luck! 

Barrie Mcconachie, Fairview Mountain Golf Club, Hole #10

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Was playing that day with my wife Jennifer Rikely. We are both long term members at Fairview Mountain Golf in Oliver, BC. The flag on hole #10 that day from the blue tees was 135 yards, front flag, about ten paces on. I hit a pitching wedge just past and right of the hole, and it spun back and into the hole. The interesting part is that we couldn’t really see the ball go in the hole. The sun was directly in our eyes. I said to Jennifer, “I think it went in.” It wasn’t until we got to the green and confirmed that we got the excitement of the moment. This is now my new favourite shirt and the ball is on the shelf over my desk.

Monik Albert, Hautes Plaines, Hole #7

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This was my first ever hole-in-one. I used a 5 wood and it was 118 yards. I was with my husband, Bob Albert and friends Lynne Lecuyer and her husband Mario Prud’homme.

Jim Longney, Desert Blume, Hole #14

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It was playing 143 yards into a 35 km wind, hit a 7 iron to three feet and it rolled in. Gerald was there to witness the shot.

Roland Holowaty, Penticton Golf & Country Club, Hole #6

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After playing golf for 50 years I thought it would never happen for me. On May 8, 2024 the magic occurred. On thole #6 of my home club, Penticton Golf and Country Club, I hit a pitching wedge 122 yards into a head wind. The ball landed 24 inches left of the front flag location and checked forward, spun back and to the right, rolling into the cup. I have started the habit of asking the question “Is today the day?” On a well struck ball heading towards the flag, on this day it was! It was an amazing experience and hope to do it again!

Niklas Gutheil, Blue Springs Golf Club, Hole #5

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It was 157 yards into wind with a 6-iron during our clubs weekly mens league! My playing partners were Steven Bright, Carl Griffin and Christopher French. 

Mike Hay, Galt Country Club, Hole #16

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Playing Partners were David Power, Brian O’Brien, John Heymans. It was 183 yards. Club was a 5 iron.

Leanne Stanners, Ardmore Golf Course, Hole #5

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It was about 110 yards, I used my 8 iron, and golfing with my regular group of friends.